National Cyber Security Organisation: Czech Republic

This publication about the national cyber security organisational setup in the Czech Republic is part of a series which assembles a comprehensive overview of existing national organisational models for ensuring cyber security as a part of national security in NATO Nations.
The study outlines the division of cyber security tasks and responsibilities between different agencies, describes their mandate, tasks and competence, as well as coordination among them. In particular, the study describes the mandates of political and strategic management; operational cyber security capabilities and cyber incident management; military cyber defence; and cyber aspects of crisis prevention and crisis management. It also offers a summary of the national information society setting and e-government initiatives as well as the national cyber security strategy objectives in order to clarify the context for the organisational approach in a particular nation.

The 2nd edition of the report contains the following revisions:
– Updated information society indicators;
– Updated to reflect the new Czech National Cyber Security Strategy adopted in February 2015;
– Updates concerning policy coordination in Cyber Security Council (Section 3.1.); conduct of cyber defence exercises (3.2.); active cyber defence (3.3.); critical information infrastructure protection (3.4.1.), and current cooperation with companies and universities (3.5.).

Information in the report has been checked for accuracy as of March 2016.

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