The Cyber Threat to National Critical Infrastructures: Beyond Theory

Adversary threats to critical infrastructures have always existed during times of conflict, but threat scenarios now include peacetime attacks from anonymous computer hackers. Current events, including examples from Israel and Estonia, prove that a certain level of real-world disorder can be achieved from hostile data packets alone. The astonishing achievements of cyber crime and cyber espionage – to which law enforcement and counterintelligence have found little answer – hint that more serious cyber attacks on critical infrastructures are only a matter of time. Still, national security planners should address all threats with method and objectivity. As dependence on IT and the Internet grow, governments should make proportional investments in network security, incident response, technical training, and international collaboration.

Geers, K. (2009). The Cyber Threat to National Critical Infrastructures: Beyond Theory. The Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 18(1) 1-7.

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